Monday, April 28, 2008

Hawaiian Roll

Cameron's at pre-school in underwear. She is doing so well with potty training that I figured I should send her in without a pull-up. I went to the gym the other day And while I was working out they called me into the childcare room. I was a bit nervous what they needed me for, maybe Cameron was throwing a big fit or got hurt, But It turned out she had gone to the potty all by herself and needed help getting her pants up, which they don't do there in child care at the gym. So it was good news after all. So Cameron is at pre-school right now and me and Rowan went out to sushi, yum. Rowan likes miso soup, and lemons. I think I will put the rest of my free time to good use now, since I have a long list of stuff to be done before I leave.

1 comment:

Proud Mommy of 2 said...

Wow! Good for Cameron! Sounds like she's doing great w/her potty training.. :)